STH Freshman Football vs. Episcopal
Freshman FootballVs. Episcopal High School Click Here
STH Varsity Football vs. St. Pius X
STH Varsity FootballSt. Thomas vs St. Pius X Click Here Photos from week 5 of…
STH St. Pius Pep Rally
STH Pep RallyPius Game Click Here
STH JV Football vs St. Pius X
STH JV FootballSTH vs. SPX Click Here Photos from STH JV Football’s demanding win over…
STH Freshman Football
STH Freshman FootballVs. Fulshear Click Here These are photos STH Freshman Football vs Fulshear. Thank…
STH JV Football vs. Houston Christian
STH JV Footballvs. Houston Christian Click Here These are photos from STH Football’s JV game…
STH Varsity Football vs. The Kinkaid School
STH Varsity Football Week 3Home vs. Kinkaid Click Here These are photos from Week 3…
STH Varsity Football vs. Lake Creek
STH Varsity Football Week 2: Lake Creek High School Click Here Photos from St Thomas…
St. Thomas Football vs. St. John’s
STH vs. SJS2024 Football Season Week One Click Here These are my photos from week…
STH Football Freshman vs. St. Johns
STH FootballFreshman vs. St. John’s Click Here These are photos from the Varsity Offense practice…
Eagle Guard Football Video
Eagle Guard VideoFootball Etiquette Click Here Photos of the STH Eagle Guard filming a football…
STH Football Scrimmage vs Second Baptist
STH Scrimmagevs Second Baptist Click Here These are photos from STH Football’s first scrimmage of…
Arlington National Cemetery
City Park New Orleans
Prior Family Pictures
TimberOaks Football Camp
CJ Stroud Youth Football Camp
Ada Moore Senior Pictures
Lightning Baseball Tournament
STH Spring Football
Spring FootballSt. Thomas High School Click Here These are photos from the last day of…